grove.connectors.fleetdm package

FleetDM connectors for Grove.


grove.connectors.fleetdm.api module

FleetDM Vulnerability API client.

class grove.connectors.fleetdm.api.Client(token: str | None = None, retry: bool | None = True, params: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, jmespath_queries: str | None = None, api_uri: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

get_hosts(params: Dict[str, Any], jmespath_queries: str, api_uri: str, cursor: str | None) AuditLogEntries[source]

Fetches a list of hosts which match the provided filters.


AuditLogEntries object containing a pagination cursor, and log entries.

grove.connectors.fleetdm.host_logs module

FleetDM Vulnerability connector for Grove.

class grove.connectors.fleetdm.host_logs.Connector(config: ConnectorConfig, context: Dict[str, str])[source]

Bases: BaseConnector

NAME = 'fleetdm_host_logs'
POINTER_PATH = 'software_updated_at'
property api_uri

The URI for the API call

For example:


The configured FleetDM API URI.


Collects all hosts from the FleetDM API.

property jmespath_queries

Fetches the parameters for the jmespath filters of the data response.

Jmespath query language is defined and can be tested at This allows you to configure what data to include or filter from the FleetDM response.

An example is:

“jmespath_queries”: “{hostname:hostname,updated_at:updated_at}”

This returns the following structure of data about each host:


updated_at: hostname:



A string of the Jmespath response that should define the JSON object to return. Default is *, the full set of JSON response

property params

Fetches the parameters for the API call.

This is used to set what parameters to use in the API call.


The dict of params defined in the connector configuration.