grove.connectors.tines package

Tines connectors for Grove.


grove.connectors.tines.api module

Tines Audit API client.

This is a bare-bones client designed to interact with audit related APIs only.

class grove.connectors.tines.api.Client(identity: str | None = None, domain: str = '', token: str | None = None, retry: bool | None = True)[source]

Bases: object

list_audit_logs(after: str | None = None, operation_name: str | None = None, cursor: str | None = None) AuditLogEntries[source]

Fetches a list of audit logs which match the provided filters.

  • after – An RFC3339 timestamp, without milliseconds, to collect logs after.

  • operation_name – An optional operation to collect logs for.

  • cursor – Cursor to use when fetching events (pagination). This is the page number in the context of Tines.


AuditLogEntries object containing a pagination cursor, and log entries.

grove.connectors.tines.audit_logs module

Tines Audit connector for Grove.

class grove.connectors.tines.audit_logs.Connector(config: ConnectorConfig, context: Dict[str, str])[source]

Bases: BaseConnector

NAME = 'tines_audit_logs'
POINTER_PATH = 'created_at'

Collects all logs from the Tines Audit API.

This will first check whether there are any pointers cached to indicate previous collections. If not, the last week of data will be collected.

property domain

Fetches the Tines domain suffix from the configuration.

This field is used to allow configuration of collection of log data from specific non ‘’ instances. Usually, this will not need to be changed, as the configured identity (tenant name) will be appended to this domain to form the full FQDN.

If the required tenant is under ‘’, only the usual identity field need be set.


The “domain” portion of the connector’s configuration.