Source code for grove.connectors.github.audit_log

# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

"""GitHub Audit connector for Grove."""

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone

from grove.connectors import BaseConnector
from grove.connectors.github.api import Client
from grove.constants import CHRONOLOGICAL
from grove.exceptions import ConfigurationException, NotFoundException


[docs] class Connector(BaseConnector): NAME = "github_audit_log" LOG_ORDER = CHRONOLOGICAL # Double quoting is required so that jmespath understands that @timestamp is the # field to be extracted - due to the special character at the start ('@'). POINTER_PATH = '"@timestamp"' @property def delay(self): """Defines the amount of time to delay collection of logs (in minutes). This is used to allow time for logs to become 'consistent' before they are collected. This is required as Github backfills log entries but unfortunately do not provide any guidance around 'lag' time, or guarantees on availability and delivery. As a result of these constraints, this value is configurable to allow operators to preference consistency over speed of delivery, and vice versa. For example, a delay of 20 would instruct Grove to only collect logs after they are at least 20 minutes old. This defaults to 0 (no delay). :return: The "delay" component of the connector configuration. """ try: candidate = self.configuration.delay except AttributeError: return 0 try: candidate = int(candidate) except ValueError as err: raise ConfigurationException( f"Configured 'delay' is not valid. Value must be an integer. {err}" ) return candidate @property def scope(self): """Fetches the configured Github scope. This is used to control whether the connector should collect logs for a Github enterprise, or an organisation. This defaults to "orgs". :return: The "scope" component of the connector configuration. """ try: candidate = self.configuration.scope except AttributeError: return "orgs" # Check that this style of account is supported. SUPPORTED = ["enterprises", "orgs"] if candidate.lower() not in SUPPORTED: raise ConfigurationException( f"Configured 'scope' is not valid. Only {SUPPORTED} are supported." ) return candidate @property def fqdn(self): """Fetches the configured Github API FQDN, or the default (SaaS). :return: The "fqdn" component of the connector configuration. """ try: return self.configuration.fqdn except AttributeError: return ""
[docs] def collect(self): """Collects all logs from the GitHub Audit API. This will first check whether there are any pointers cached to indicate previous collections. If not, the last week of data will be collected. """ client = Client( token=self.key, scope=self.scope, identity=self.identity, hostname=self.fqdn, ) cursor = None # If no pointer is stored then a previous run hasn't been performed, so set the # pointer to a week ago. In the case of the GitHub audit API the pointer is the # value of the "created_at" field from the latest record retrieved from the # API - which is in milliseconds since epoch format. try: _ = self.pointer except NotFoundException: # Precision doesn't matter too much here, as the GitHub API currently # doesn't appear to support millisecond granularity in filters. self.pointer = str( int(( - timedelta(days=7)).timestamp() * 1000) ) # Transform the pointer into an ISO8601 compatible date and construct the search # phrase. start = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(self.pointer) / 1000) end = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=self.delay) # Get log data from the upstream API, paging as required. while True: if end <= start: self.logger.debug( "Collection end time is prior to start, skipping.", extra={ "start": start.strftime(DATESTAMP_FORMAT), "end": end.strftime(DATESTAMP_FORMAT), }, ) break log = client.get_audit_log( phrase=( f"created:>={start.strftime(DATESTAMP_FORMAT)} " f"created:<={end.strftime(DATESTAMP_FORMAT)}" ), include=self.operation, cursor=cursor, ) # Save this batch of log entries. # Check if we need to continue paging. cursor = log.cursor if cursor is None: break