Source code for grove.connectors.sf.event_log

# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

"""SalesForce Event Log connector for Grove."""

import csv
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import requests
from simple_salesforce import Salesforce, SalesforceLogin
from simple_salesforce.exceptions import SalesforceError

from grove.connectors import BaseConnector
from grove.constants import CHRONOLOGICAL
from grove.exceptions import (

# TODO: Make this dynamic?
SF_VERSION = "51.0"
SF_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z"

# SOQL query templates for use when accessing logs.
    "SELECT Id, ApiVersion, EventType, CreatedDate, LogDate, LogFile "
    "FROM EventLogFile "
    "WHERE EventType = '{event}' "
    "AND LogDate >= {pointer}"

[docs] class Connector(BaseConnector): NAME = "sf_event_log" POINTER_PATH = "TIMESTAMP_DERIVED" LOG_ORDER = CHRONOLOGICAL @property def token(self): """Fetches the SalesForce token from the configuration. This is required as this is a third authentication element required by SF. :return: The "token" portion of the connector's configuration. """ try: return self.configuration.token except AttributeError: return None
[docs] def collect(self): # noqa: C901 """Collects EventLogs from the SF Cloud API. This will first check whether there are any pointers cached to indicate previous collections. If not, the last week of data will be collected. :raises RequestFailedException: An HTTP request failed. :raises ConfigurationException: An issue was found with the configuration for this connector. """ session = requests.session() try: (sf_session, sf_instance) = SalesforceLogin( session=session, username=self.identity, password=self.key, security_token=self.token, ) client = Salesforce( instance=sf_instance, session_id=sf_session, version=SF_VERSION, ) except (SalesforceError, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err: raise RequestFailedException( f"Unable to authenticate with SalesForce: {err}" ) # If no pointer is stored then a previous run hasn't been performed, so set the # pointer to a week ago. now = try: _ = self.pointer except NotFoundException: self.pointer = (now - timedelta(days=7)).strftime(SF_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) # Pointers are stored as strings, so cast to a datetime object for use when # constructing filters later on. pointer_native = datetime.strptime(self.pointer, SF_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) if self.operation not in SF_OPERATIONS: raise ConfigurationException( f"Operation must be one of {SF_OPERATIONS}, got '{self.operation}'" ) log_files: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {} next_records_url = None while True: # Page if required. Otherwise, fetch ALL log entries from midnight on the # day the last pointer was recorded at. This is required as the SalesForce # API appears to split EventLogFiles by date, and does not allow filtering # inside of logs using SOQL. See below for more information. try: if next_records_url is not None: records = client.query_more(next_records_url) # type: ignore else: records = client.query_all( SOQL_EVENTLOGFILE.format( event=self.operation, pointer=pointer_native.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00.00Z"), ), ) except (SalesforceError, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as err: raise RequestFailedException( f"Unable to query SalesForce for event logs: {err}" ) # Fetch a list of logs, which will be fetched and processed later - as the # SalesForce API returns a REFERENCE to log files here, not the log data # itself. for record in records.get("records", []): record_type = record.get("EventType") if record_type not in log_files: log_files[record_type] = [] log_files[self.operation].append( { "Id": record.get("Id"), "LogFile": record.get("LogFile"), "ApiVersion": record.get("ApiVersion"), "LogDate": record.get("LogDate"), "CreatedDate": record.get("CreatedDate"), } ) # Determine if more requests are needed, otherwise, break out. if records.get("nextRecordsUrl") is None: break next_records_url = records.get("nextRecordsUrl") # Manually process out events after the pointer. This is required as the SOQL # WHERE filter doesn't appear to allow searching on LogFile contents, only on # the LogDate / CreatedDate metadata, which isn't helpful. for log_type in log_files: for log_file in log_files.get(log_type, {}): # Use Requests to get the LogFile directly, passing in the session id # from our current session. It doesn't appear that Simple Salesforce # has a nice way to handle this for us. try: request = requests.get( f"https://{client.sf_instance}/{log_file.get('LogFile')}", headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {client.session_id}", }, ) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err: raise RequestFailedException( f"Unable to retrieve event log from SalesForce: {err}" ) # Convert the CSV (?!) into a nicely JSON serialisable format. entries = [] for entry in csv.DictReader(str(request.content, "utf-8").split("\n")): # Skip if the entry is BEFORE the known pointer - this is required # to handle partial logs from SalesForce. This is expensive, but it # should reduce the need for deduplication later in the pipeline. entry_time = datetime.strptime( entry["TIMESTAMP_DERIVED"], SF_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT ) if entry_time.timestamp() <= pointer_native.timestamp(): continue entries.append(entry)