Source code for grove.connectors.twilio.messages

# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

"""Twilio messages connector for Grove."""

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Any, Dict

from twilio.base.exceptions import TwilioException
from import Client

from grove.connectors import BaseConnector
from grove.constants import REVERSE_CHRONOLOGICAL
from grove.exceptions import NotFoundException, RequestFailedException

[docs] class Connector(BaseConnector): NAME = "twilio_messages" POINTER_PATH = "date_sent" LOG_ORDER = REVERSE_CHRONOLOGICAL @property def secret(self): """Fetches the API secret from the configuration. This is required as this is a third authentication element required by Twilio when using API authentication. :return: The value of the 'secret' field from the configuration. """ try: return self.configuration.secret except AttributeError: return None @lru_cache(maxsize=512) # noqa: B019 def _carrier_lookup(self, number: str): """Performs a Carrier lookup via the Twilio API. This is wrapped with an lru_cache to try and reduce lookup costs for retries of the same number between collections - assuming the runtime supports long lived LRU caches! :return: A dictionary of carrier information from Twilio. """ carrier = self.client.lookups.v1.phone_numbers(number).fetch(type=["carrier"]) # Extract only carrier and country fields, as we don't want to track PII here. return { "country_code": carrier.country_code, "carrier": carrier.carrier, }
[docs] def collect(self): # noqa: C901 """Collects logs of all messages from the Twilio Messages API. This will first check whether there are any pointers cached to indicate previous collections. If not, the 24-hours of data will be collected. """ # Construct the client based on whether "API key" or "auth token" authentication # is configured. The client is defined as an instance variable so convenience # methods can access the same client. if self.secret: self.client = Client(self.key, self.secret, self.identity) else: self.client = Client(self.identity, self.key) # If no pointer is stored then a previous run hasn't been performed, so set the # pointer to 24-hours ago. try: _ = self.pointer except NotFoundException: self.pointer = ( - timedelta(days=1)).strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" ) # Our LRU cache only has 512 slots, so during a back fill this may be exhausted. # To try and alleviate we'll track results in memory during a single execution, # too. carrier_information: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Stream the data from the API, paging as required. entries = [] batch_size = 1000 try: events = self.client.messages.list(date_sent=self.pointer) except TwilioException as err: raise RequestFailedException(err) for event in events: # Redaction and lookup of numbers will be performed based on the direction # of the message. incoming = False if event.status == "received": number = event.from_ incoming = True else: number = # Check results cache for carrier information before performing a lookup, # as these are expensive in terms of both time and cost (currently $0.005 # per lookup). if number in carrier_information: carrier = carrier_information[number] else: carrier = self._carrier_lookup(number) carrier_information[number] = carrier # Fields need to be removed from the logs to protect message contents and # PII, so we'll construct the log messages ourselves. # # The use of RFC2822 format dates is horrible, but this is the format that # this API expects :( message = { "account_sid": event.account_sid, "date_sent": event.date_sent.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"), "status": event.status, "sid": event.sid, } # Sanitise the message for PII based on direction. if incoming: message["to"] = try: message["from"] = f"{event.from_[0:4]}..." except IndexError: message["from"] = "..." else: message["from"] = event.from_ try: message["to"] = f"{[0:4]}..." except IndexError: message["to"] = "..." # Track the message. entries.append({**message, **carrier}) # Save batches, and clear the list for the next page. if len(entries) == batch_size: entries = [] # Save any records not previously saved, before completion.