Source code for grove.exceptions

# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

"""Exceptions used by Grove."""

[docs] class GroveException(Exception): """All exceptions should inherit from this to allow for hierarchical handling."""
[docs] class ConfigurationException(GroveException): """Indicates that a configuration related error has occurred."""
[docs] class ConnectorMissingException(GroveException): """Indicates that a requested connector was not found."""
[docs] class ConcurrencyException(GroveException): """Indicates that Grove may be running in another location concurrently."""
[docs] class NotImplementedException(GroveException): """Indicates that the requested functionality has not been implemented."""
[docs] class NotFoundException(GroveException): """Indicates that the requested entity was not found."""
[docs] class RequestFailedException(GroveException): """Indicates that an upstream request failed for an unhandled reason."""
[docs] class RateLimitException(GroveException): """Indicate that an upstream rate-limit was encountered."""
[docs] class AccessException(GroveException): """Indicates an issue occurred while attempting to access the requested resource."""
[docs] class DataFormatException(GroveException): """Indicates an issue occurred while attempting to process data."""
[docs] class ProcessorError(GroveException): """Indicates that an error occurred when setting up or calling a processor."""